Posted on June 11, 2014
null + null = 0, +new Date, and why loosely typed languages like Javascript are a pain
Javascript is a loosely typed language. This was done to expedite the writing of code and avoiding tedious tasks such as declaring variables and explicitly defining their types. You know, the kind of stuff only suckers would do. The irony is that these so called shortcuts actually result in more tedium as everything requires a tremendous amount of type checking. Consider the simple act of concatenating two strings: str1 and str2.
str1.concat(str2) fails immediately if str1 is undefined or null, so the concat method is out of the question. But we can always use the javascript “+” operator right? Sure, if you want to trust the implicit type casting in Javascript. In a strongly typed language such as C#, if str1 and str2 are null, str1 + str2 results in null as well. The result is intuitive and expected. In Javascript, the result of str1 + str2 is the integer value 0. This can lead to some hilarious and unintended consequences in the code that can be a pain in the ass to track down. But wait, there’s more! If both str1 and str2 are undefined, str1 + str2 is NaN (not a number). If str1 is “” and str2 is null, then str1 + str2 is equal to “null”. That’s right, because str1 is a string, Javascript implicitly casts str2 as a string as well. The expression becomes “” + “null” which evaluates to “null”. Ugh. If str1 is “” and str2 is undefined, well guess what? The string, “undefined”, is what happens when you concatenate the two.
If you want a result that is not nonsensical, you wind up having to write to some hideous code to convert all null and undefined values to an empty string first:
if (str1 === undefined || str1 === null)
str1 = "";
if (str2 === undefined || str2 === null)
str2 = "";
var result = str1 + str2;
And yes, the triple equals is absolutely necessary. Without it, the implicit casting rears its ugly head again. So to sum up, use common sense when writing Javascript code. Stick with the basic best practices.
str1 = "hello"; //BAD but valid, sets str as a property of a global object. That's right, str1 is now a global variable. Horrible
var str2 = "world"; //You have to type three extra characters but it saves you a ton of grief
var str1 = "hello";
str1 = 5; //For the love of god, just declare a new variable here instead
var start = +new Date();
This is a clever snippet of code, but it can be rewritten to this functionally equivalent:
//short hand for
var startDateTime = new Date();
var startTicks = startDateTime.getTime();
Both versions of the code do the same thing. The second requires a bit more typing but is far more readable. +new Date is gimmicky. Yes it “looks cool” and shows off your Javascript skillz, but the brevity in this case is detrimental in the long run to maintainability. +new Date works because it first creates a new Date object. By default, the Date constructor returns the current date. The “+” unary operator is applied, which implicitly casts Date to an integer. The implicit casting returns the number of ticks since 1/1/1970. Great, but why have this esoteric code? It relies on an implicit cast, so it is entirely on the version of Javascript and the browser it is running on. Any future changes could potentially break the code . If typing two lines instead of one is so painful, create a utility function instead that calls +new Date and slap a comment on there. Or don’t, because +new Date has horrible performance.
So remember, scripting languages such as javascript make writing code easy, but the ease of use leads to ease of abuse. Be careful or you’ll wind up making things more difficult in the long run.