Retrieving a return value from a stored procedure using the Entity Framework DBContext.Database class

I was trying to figure out how to call a stored procedure and then retrieve the return value using the Entity Framework in .NET.      Entity Framework is designed to be an ORM layer, so it doesn’t really have very strong support for stored procs.    My problem seemed to be somewhat common as I found a decent number of results on google.    It seems like lots of places that use Entity Framework still require the use of procs.    Perhaps they don’t trust the performance or scalability of Entity Framework, or perhaps the particular procedure in question encapsulated some complex and highly optimized SQL logic.


Whatever the reason, the code had to call a stored procedure and retrieve a return value.    The stored procedure in question could not be modified to use an output parameter instead of having a return value.  This also seemed to be a common requirement.   Typically the proc would be really old legacy TSQL, and changing it would have required too much bureaucracy to have been worth it.


So there’s a couple of ways to solve the problem.   Probably the simplest and easiest way is not to use Entity Framework at all and just use plain old ADO.NET instead.       However, in my case, everything else in the solution  was already using the Entity Framework, so I wanted the code to be consistent.    After doing some investigation and testing, I finally figured it out.    The trick is to set the direction of the SQLParameter as ParameterDirection.Output.    This is what tripped me up initially, as in ADO.NET, you would declare the SQLParameter with direction type ParameterDirection.ReturnValue.      Another interesting thing to note is that Database.ExecuteSqlCommand returns an integer.   But this int does not correspond to the return value from the stored procedure.   The MSDN documentation seemed to indicate otherwise.   It states that the return value is: “The result returned by the database after executing the command.”     When I tried storing the result, I got back -1 and I’m not really sure why.


Everything  I found online consisted of just code snippets, so here is a complete code sample that deletes a row from a database table and checks the return value to see if it was successful.



public bool DeleteRowFromDB(int rowId)
    bool success = false;
    var retVal = new SqlParameter("@Success", SqlDbType.Int) {    Direction = ParameterDirection.Output };

    object[] parameters =
         new SqlParameter("@RowID", SqlDbType.BigInt) { Value = rowId}

    string command = string.Format("exec @Success = dbo.spDeleteTableRow @RowID");

    //the result is -1 regardless of what the stored procedure returns
    //note that ExecuteSqlCommand maps to sp_executesql in SQL Server 
    //which will append the type and value for @RowID  
    int result = _DBContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(command, parameters);

    if ((int)retVal.Value == 1)
        success = true;

    return success;


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